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Umpire Information


Case Book


NSA Slow Pitch Umpire Manual - updated 01-10-2013 with diagrams


NSA Fast Pitch Umpire Manual




Field Dimension Diagrams


Adult Slowpitch Field Dimensions


Fastpitch Field Dimensions



2014 NSA Rulebook - includes all rule change


2014 Slowpitch Section of Rulebook


2014 Fastpitch Section of Rulebook






Multi Layered Softballs will be BANNED effective June 1, 2012.




Rule Changes


Slow Pitch Rule 3 Amendment - effective 4/22/2013


2014 Slow Pitch Rule Changes


2013-2014 Fast Pitch Rule Changes




Page 39 -- Rule 8 Baserunning - Section 7 (j) ClarificationException is listed below letter (j) on the same page and not on the next page as the highlighted wording indicates.


The DH should be inserted into the line up in the position for which she is batting ie. &. The person being DH'd for should be inserted at the bottom of the line up card. ie if the team is hitting 9 players; the player being DH'd for shall be put in the 10th position in the line-up with her defensive position recorded in the appropriate spot on the line-up card.


Beginning with Championship play in 2014 (Championship play includes all NIT’s, State, Regional, World and Super World Series tournaments) the .52 c.o.r. 275lb compression ball will be mandatory. Beginning 1/1/15 the .52 c.o.r. 275lb compression softball will be mandatory for all NSA Play. NSA recommends that all Silver and Bronze play use the .52 c.o.r. 275lb compression ball beginning 1/1/2013.


In 2011 the NSA announced a new 2012 bat standard and bat logo for its bats. Beginning 1/1/15 all bats used for NSA play will have to bear the NSA 2012 logo. See Rule 3 of the official NSA Rule Book for the logo. No bats will be grandfathered in that DO NOT bear that logo, No exceptions. NSA feels that this 4 year process has been fair and ample time to get plenty of use out of the bats not bearing the logo.

 NSA Rulebook 

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